REVERIE web site?

The web site you are on has been a challenge for me as it’s a new adventure in the setup and design factor. Being a comic publisher in Australia and no real distribution network as well as sales outlets it’s a major concern when I have to get events and projects done. So in order to help out I have to ask for volunteers both in producing comics and ultimately getting this site up and running.

The savings is enormous when we can do most of the work myself. However I always never knock people back when they like to help out in furthering our goal of given you the fans a number of real feel good comics to read and collect.So far we are very proud of what we have achieved. In production now are some interesting stories that are worth the wait and see. Very soon.

The web site is ever expanding, we are always fixing and hopefully giving everyone some great entertainment. Certainly look forward to your feedback.

As we expand our information on comics available, Australian wide, both new and old we hope you will add to these sections with your own piece of history in regards the comics showcased.


I’ll keep adding to this as we go. If your keen to help out please contact us. Help is always needed.


One last mention is that in order to increase our dot on the Australian map we are in development of a comic sized fanzine. This is tentatively the cover…

If you can write an article on any subject, in regards the logo title, let us know and jump on board?

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